How to Master Social Media for Book Promotions

January 22, 2012

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9 Ways to Use Social Media to Launch a Book | Social Media Examiner

August 13, 2011

Wondering how to get people excited about your book?

Do you want people actively sharing your book with

their friends?

In this article I’ll reveal some of the social media techniques I used to get thousands of people excited enough about my new book Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competitionthat they shared it with friends and peers. By the way, you don’t need to have a book to benefit from these tactics.

Why Social Media for Books?

Back in the old days, book promotion heavily relied on the traditional press. I remember the challenge of promoting my first book (Writing White Papers) back in 2006. I had to work with journals and print magazines—and their long editorial cycles. I also needed to speak at physical events and perform many other time-consuming tasks. The success of a book promotion hinged on getting it reviewed by the “right publications.” This typically meant spending thousands of dollars on PR firms who had established contacts with elite publications and creating press releases that hopefully caught the eyes of editors. Not to mention a lot of prayer. Today, authors have an amazing advantage.  

Read the rest of the post here on my affiliate partner’s blog By 9 Ways to Use Social Media to Launch a Book | Social Media Examiner.

Social Media PR Solutions NEW Blog Post

August 6, 2011

How to get press via social media. ===>  Social Media PR Solutions Blog.


Detroit Needs to Get Online or Get Left Behind: Social Networking the New Currency in Digital World

April 19, 2011
Pam Perry, who is hosting a seminar at Schoolcraft College on Saturday, May 14, is adamant about showing metro Detroiters to get some swagger and confidence in their social media skills at her “Social Media Swag” seminar.
Pam Perry, Social Media Strategist

Pam Perry, Social Media Strategist

There may be a connection between poor social networking skills and unemployment.  Detroit, which has one of the of the highest unemployment rates in the nation according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was recently cited as one of the “least socially-networked” cities in the country., a popular social media blog, listed Detroit 94 out of 100 cities assessed for its social networking acumen.Social media is the phenomenon that is the game-changer for businesses and job seekers today. A recent front-page article in the Wall Street Journal said technology jobs are hot again with Google, Apple, Youtube and Skype leading the hiring boom. But in a recent C-Span broadcast, U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) blames the iPad (produced by Apple) for eliminating thousands of jobs in the U.S. (See video

“Learning social media is a way of life. We have to face that fact. Ipads aren’t taking jobs – but creating new ones. Social media provides a new method for generating buzz, shaping a brand, creating a reputation, getting media attention and bringing in new business,” said Pam Perry, a certified social media strategist located in metropolitan Detroit.

“Typically when a business is savvy and gets traction on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, they see an increase in revenue because they are reaching more customers faster, further and cheaper.”

Building a personal brand is also important when in the job-hunting mode. “If you’re not online, you will get left behind,” said Hajj Flemings, who was recently cited by as a “Twitter Person to Know.” He is also the Founder of Brand Camp University.  “Social media allows you to brand yourself. How people view you today is directly related to your online profile and information you distribute through the social media channels – and the friends you interact with.”

Both Perry and Flemings regularly teach and speak about social media strategies in Detroit and around the country. Perry, who is hosting a seminar at Schoolcraft College on May 14, is adamant about showing metro Detroiters to get some swagger and confidence in their social media skills at her “Social Media Swag” seminar. Flemings is also hosting an event, Brand Camp ’11: Personal Branding 2.0 Conference in New York City on May 24.

Not only is social media critical for business marketing and personal branding, but employers often use social media to screen job candidates. “I interview 20 to 25 people a week and look at about 100 resumes, but I also view candidate’s online activity.  If their social media messaging is off or not congruent with what the position calls for, this is a way we weed them out,” said Tammy Turner, of Detroit, who is the owner Kapstone Recruiting & Training Services, LLC and author of a professional networking book,   How To Talk To Strangers. “We also judge people by the company they keep – so if their online connections are skeptical, we figure they probably are not the ideal candidate,” said Turner.

“Anyone can learn social media. I am determined to teach the tactics and show people it’s real easy to dominate the search engines and attract business, build a brand and beat out your competition for a job,” said Perry. “I especially want to empower Baby Boomers and minority business owners to have some confidence online, that’s why I created the Social Media Swag seminar – and coming soon the web show which we’ll stream online.”

The Social Media Swag Seminar will be on Saturday, May 14 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Schoolcraft College, VistaTech Center, 18600 Haggerty in Livonia, Michigan. The cost for materials and the session is $97 before May 1. For more information or interview Pam Perry, call 248-426-2300 or visit

To watch the quick “AGENT SWAG” video:

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Ministry Marketing Solutions Inc., founded in 2000, is an online branding and social media agency that provides services for best-selling authors, nonprofit organizations and entrepreneurs. For more information, About Pam Perry –
Pam Perry, who won a national contest as the Savviest in the Social Media in 2010, was featured in an article on social media in and is one Detroit’s top 100 Tweeters. She is a “social media evangelist” determined to convert others into “believers” in blogging, podcasting, tweeting and online branding. Her hub online is: Find out more at

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