PR Pro Shop End of Season Sale! 50% OFF Digital Products

August 21, 2011

50% OFF all Digital Products in the PR Pro Shop …

via PR Pro Shop End of Season Sale! 50% OFF Digital Products.

SistahFaith – Stanice Anderson, Marilynn Griffith and more! Black Gospel

October 21, 2010

Help SistahFaith reach #1
on the Essence Bestsellers List!

“Powerful women! Powerful speakers! Powerful stories!”
Pam Perry, Chief Visionary, Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc

Ashamed No More

Every woman needs a safe place… She needs the support of sistahs who won’t cringe at the honest truth, who are willing to walk by her side, who will listen to her stories, and who will offer balm to heal her wounds.

SistahFaith …true stories of women of women who have not only survived, but who have triumphed! Stories of addiction, abortion, rape, abuse, incest, suicide, teen pregnancy-stories of hope that shine light on the path to healing.

Most women endure in silence – afraid to tell the truth, held captive by shame. But in SistahFaith, women tell the truth and show their scars…share their testimonies so that others can overcome.

Among the women who share their stories of redemption, hope, and new life are Bonnie DeBarge of the famed Motown group DeBarge, award-winning author Sharon Ewell Foster, and author Claudia Mair Burney.

Share SistahFaith: Real Stories of Pain, Truth, and Triumph (Howard Books/Simon and Schuster) with the sistahs in your life and let the healing begin!

Available online, or purchase from this Essence reporting bookstore:
Pyramid Books 561-731-4422

Schedule the SistahFaith National Speakers
for your next conference:

For media and speaker requests:
PO Box 180485
Tallahassee, FL, 32318
(850) 322-0347

Need a PR COACH? See video

SistahFaith – Black Gospel

OFFICIAL Pam Perry Magazine–P Magazine – 5 26 10 Online Launch Party! | Scribd

May 26, 2010

OFFICIAL Pam Perry Magazine–P Magazine – 5 26 10 Online Launch Party! | Scribd.

Time-tested, true and the best way to make dreams a reality for YOUR book

April 21, 2010

Time-tested, true and the best way to make dreams a reality for YOUR book.

Chocolate Pages Show

December 30, 2009

LEAP! 101 Ways to Grow Your Business on the Synergy Energy Show with Pam Perry

October 21, 2009

10 Ways to Reject the Recession and Build a Thriving Business
By Stephanie Chandler

Click to listen to the show
Synergy Energy - Mag ad-half-v3-Final

In a time when the lead news stories focus on business downsizing, the rising costs of gas and groceries and general economic turmoil, it is hard to avoid feeling the “recession depression.” But as business owners we have two choices: we can let the media send us into panic mode or we can view the economic downturn as an opportunity.

This is a time in the economy when millionaires are made. While some businesses are giving up and closing their doors, their competitors are seizing opportunities. Which side would you rather be on? Now is the time for you to rise above it—to stay a step ahead of your competition and Reject the Recession!

Here are ten ways to thrive in tough times:

1. Keep the Marketing Wheels in Motion
Though your first instinct may be to cut costs, this is the worst time to cut back on marketing. Studies show that businesses that continue marketing through a slow economy are the ones that come out ahead when the economy begins to turn. Make sure you have a marketing plan and stick to it. If your current marketing efforts aren’t producing results, try new strategies. When done correctly, marketing is an expense that should pay for itself. Find the strategies that work and then keep doing them.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Discount

The reality is that consumers are holding on tighter to their wallets. The key to unlock their dollars is in discounts. Take a cue from the big department stores—they are holding incredible sales and offering more coupons than ever. Reevaluate your pricing strategy and offer discounts off your most popular products and services. This may also be a good time to lower your prices across the board and then advertise your “New Lower Prices!” You can always raise them again later.

3. Leverage the Internet

Are you selling products and services from your website? Can you expand your sales channels by selling on eBay or another online venue? Are you reaching your customers with e-mail marketing? Is your website optimized for the search engines? It doesn’t have to cost a fortune to implement an online marketing and sales strategy. Even if you simply add gift certificate purchases to your website, you could uncover a whole new revenue stream. Seek out an online marketing expert and evaluate the opportunities.

4. Form a Mastermind Group

Get together with your staff or assemble a small group of people who understand your business and brainstorm opportunities. When several people get together with a blank slate and some good energy, magic can happen. Ask for ideas—you might be surprised by the results.

5. Tap into a New Niche
Is there a niche that you have been meaning to focus on? Can you uncover a new market that makes sense for your business? For example, a florist that specializes in weddings could pursue the corporate market, a residential real estate agent could go after the investor community or a virtual assistant could decide to specialize in serving the unique needs of financial planners. Pick a new market and then develop a plan of attack.

6. Reach Out to Your Customer Base

One of the most overlooked business opportunities comes from your existing and past clients. The fact that they have already done business with you makes it far more likely that they will do business with you in the future. Make sure you are marketing to them, reaching out and reminding them that you are there. Ask them for referrals and offer a powerful incentive such as a cash reward or gift card for referrals. Never let a referral go unnoticed!

7. Make Improvements
This is an ideal time to evaluate all of your policies and procedures. Do they make sense in this economy? Is your customer service team delivering up to your standards? Could your sales team benefit from some additional training? How can you help your company perform even better? What are steps you can take to improve customer loyalty? Look at your business through a magnifying class and seize the opportunity to improve it across the board.

8. Survey Your Customers
Much can be uncovered by reaching out to your customers and asking them for feedback. Develop a short list of questions that include ratings on your products, services and staff. Ask specific questions such as, “How can we improve your experience with us?” Tools such as can help you accomplish this easily. Once you receive the survey results, evaluate them and take action to make improvements. You will undoubtedly find themes in the answers such as, “It takes too long to get a call back.” Let your customers know that you heard them and share what improvements you are making as a result of their survey responses.

9. Keep an Eye on Capital
What goes down must come up and the economy will rebound, though it may be awhile. If business is slower than usual, form a plan for getting through this period. You might need to open a line of credit, visit your bank and apply for a loan, seek private funding or even bring in a partner. Running out of capital can quickly kill a business. Make sure you assess how much you may need before you need it and have a plan for forging ahead.

10. Get Help and Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Now is a great time to sharpen your own skills. Take classes, read books and network with others in your industry so you can learn from them. Get involved in your trade association and make sure you are on top of your game. Look for joint venture opportunities. Make yourself more efficient by outsourcing services that consume your valuable time. For example, if you are doing the bookkeeping for your business, hand that off to someone else so you can have more time to focus on what you do best. Also, determine your priorities. Where should you be spending your time? What can you do to make your company bigger, better and stronger? Leave the worrying to your competitors and instead seek out opportunities and stay positive. When you put the right energy and focus into your business—despite the economy—the results can extraordinary.

About the Author:
Stephanie Chandler is an author of several business and marketing books including “LEAP! 101 Ways to Grow Your Business” and “From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur.” She is also founder and CEO of, which provides custom book publishing and author marketing services for business, self-help and other non-fiction books, and, a directory of resources for entrepreneurs. For author and speaker information, visit
Click here to hear the show

AACM – The African American Christian Market and Pam Perry

July 4, 2008

Ministry Marketing Solutions Predicted The Gospel Boom In The African-American Community

By Dr. Gail Hayes

Pam Perry, founder of Ministry Marketing Solutions
(pictured here with T.D. Jakes)

Detroit, MI ( – Post 9/11 days and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have made most people in America stop and say a prayer. Books like The Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkenson, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and the first-time author Joel Osteen’s Live Your Best Life have toppled the prestigious New York Times best-seller lists and have paved the way for more Christian books.  

Christian information is at its peak and there is a great revival sweeping the land. In the African American community especially, where the spiritual heritage is deeply rooted in the culture, there are more gospel artists, plays, movies, television programs, radio ministries, magazines and books than any other time in history.

The African American Christian community has produced some of the largest churches – noting that it is not church as usual – it is MEGA. National ministry leaders such as Bishop T.D. Jakes and Juanita Bynum have also become best-selling authors in the AACM (African American Christian market) opening the door for many more to come behind them.


Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. (MMS) was the vision of Pam Perry, of Detroit, because of her desire to market the message to the masses through the media. What message? “The Gospel of Jesus Christ,” says Perry. “The first two letters of the word gospel is G-O and that’s what I have been called to do. To go to the media to tell the story of Christian authors.”

Perry’s public relations and advertising career spans over two decades. The first ten years she spent working in ad agencies and secular media. The last ten she has dedicated to ministry marketing. Her first ministry job was with The Salvation Army as P.R. Director.

“Although I grew up Christian, my commitment to God really changed after I starting reading Christian books and was exposed more to Christian media. It was like an explosion in my soul and my purpose was clear,” says Perry.

Pam Perry
Ministry Marketing Solutions

Saving Teen Boys by Dr. James Perkins

March 15, 2008

Saving Our Black Teen Boys
Dr. James C. Perkins

You’ve heard the alarming statistics facing our black teen boys:

• 16.4% of black teens have carried a weapon
• Among 10- to 24-year-old blacks, homicide is the leading cause of death
• Black juveniles represent more than 40% of the prison population

These facts paint a bleak picture for our young generation. But remember that 2 Timothy 1:7 points out, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
In 1993 I founded the Benjamin E. Mays Male Academy to ensure that our young men had a place to cultivate their own spirit of power and love as well as their sound minds. The lessons we teach there have recently been adapted in my book Playbook for Christian Manhood: 12 Key Plays for Black Teen Boys (Judson Press, 2008). The book is written for boys aged 11–15, but it is also useful for parents, church leaders, or anyone else dedicated to these special lives. I want to share just a few of those key plays here.

Know Who You Are. So many black teens lack a sense of identity. Success stories of the rich and famous foster tantalizing dreams, but not necessarily worthy role models. When celebrity dreams seem unattainable, teens imitate the way of life seen in their often violent environment. That’s why it is so vital for a boy to know who he is and what he can achieve as a child of God.

Know Your Purpose. Once a young man knows he is God’s own child, he can be more focused and hopeful about determining God’s purpose for him in this life. Our boys need to hear that God has a plan—and the power to bring that divine purpose to fulfillment in their lives.

Value Your Education. At the Mays Academy, every day I ask my young men, “Why are you here?” and they respond in unison, “To learn, sir!” “Why do we learn?” I demand, and they answer, “Because knowledge is power!” Make education a priority. Attendance is critical; homework is important; adequate sleep is vital, and praise for academic achievements inspires pride. Dropping out of school is like dropping out of life! Don’t do it.

Respect Your Parents. The relationship between a boy and his parent(s) is the basis for how he interacts in other relationships. By respecting a parent or guardian, a boy establishes a pattern for respecting authority elsewhere—at a neighbor’s house, at school, at church. If our young men would learn this one lesson early on, they would reap the benefits at school, in career, and in the world at large.

Develop a Female Friend. Girls are people too! A boy growing rapidly into manhood needs some game rules for his boy-girl relationships. If he “thingifies” his female peers, he also “thingifies” himself. Reject the common myth that boys and girls can’t be friends. When the time is right, a female friend may actually become the ideal girlfriend! Young men, cultivate friendships with girls who will help you pursue your purpose and fulfill your potential.

Be Smart about Your Loyalties. A worthy friend is a person’s most valuable companion. But a young man needs to be smart about choosing his “boys.” Give your loyalty to someone who is living without purpose, without a firm identity as a child of God, and without respect for authority and other people, and you may be giving away your future. Boys have to be smart about their “brother’s keeper”—or they may find themselves declared guilty by association.

Despite the statistics and the realities they describe, be assured that there is a way through this crisis—and that way is Jesus Christ. A young man could have no better role model. Once you bring Jesus fully into the equation, life takes a new direction. Remember the promise in Jeremiah 29:11, which says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This generation of young black boys can become educated, successful, godly men who will leave this world a better place. May these key plays provide a solid game plan for making a start on that hope-filled future.

Dr. James C. Perkins has been senior pastor of Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan, for more than 25 years. Founder of the Benjamin E. Mays Male Academy, he is author of Playbook for Christian Manhood: 12 Plays for Black Teen Boys (2008) and Building Up Zion’s Walls: Ministry for Empowering the African American Family (1999), both from Judson Press.


March 3, 2008

Where do you find answers to your marketing questions about writing for the Christian market? What if you could ask me any question about marketing then listen for the answer?

I’ve been writing for the last 40+ years, and for the last 23 years, I’ve been putting out the annual “Christian Writers’ Market Guide.” As marketing columnist for Christian Communicator, Advanced Christian Writer and Oregon Christian Writers, I am considered the leading authority on the Christian market. I travel the nation speaking at many writer’s conferences.

As you know, in the last few weeks, the latest edition of the 2008 Christian Writer’s Market Guide is available.

I’m telling you this because Terry Whalin has convinced me to be grilled on marketing questions on the Christian market during a LIVE 70-minute telewebcast on Wednesday, March 5th!

* * * Here’s My Small Request * * *

Rather than have the “content” come out of my head (or Terry’s head) for the March 5th 2008 telewebcast at 4 p.m. PDT / 7:00 p.m. EDT, I decided to let you ask me a question.

So, if you could ask me ANY question you wanted about marketing for the Christian writer, what would your question be?

Here’s your chance to ask me directly and get registered for our call on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 (starts promptly according to

Go to the link below:

* * * Get FREE “On Marketing” chapter from my book “Getting Published” * * *
You will receive a full chapter from “Getting Published.” It’s FREE if you ask a question and register for this telewebcast.

Go to the link below:

After your question gets submitted, you’ll find out how to get phone access and webcast access to Terry Whalin and me for our LIVE telewebcast, March 5, 2008.

Sally Stuart

ps. If you can’t make the time of the call, please go ahead and sign up anyway. The entire teleseminar will be recorded and EVERYONE who signs up will receive an email with the replay link. Also if you sign up, you will be able to download the FREE marketing chapter right away

Spotlight on Author: Catherine Eagan, The Wealthy Woman

December 14, 2007

Catherine Eagan Dedicates Her Life to
Leading Christians to “The Wealthy Place” by Shekini Jennings for MMS Newswire

Many people in the country are wringing their hands trying to figure out how to survive in the current struggling economy. But, Catherine Eagan is trying to help people become part of God’s thriving supernatural economy.

It’s a revelation that Eagan received in God’s perfect timing as retiring baby boomers are trying to figure out how to manage their wealth, younger people are just beginning to learn about finances, and others are discovering for the first time that retirement is no longer an option.

“In this time, people are going through a lot of different challenges,” said Eagan, a member of Word of Faith Christian Center. “It’s important to have a kingdom objective. We’re getting more in debt. The message of building wealth challenges all of us to build wealth so we can have financial the wherewithal and establish the Kingdom of God whether you’re young or old.”

Eagan is an entrepreneur, ordained minister and a former Vice President and Private Banking Officer, with a 25-year financial background.

She said the foundation for tapping into God’s economy includes giving and receiving, purpose, seedtime and harvest, tithes and offerings, and God’s principles. This opens the door for budgeting, debt elimination, credit repair, insurance planning, investment planning, and estate planning to affectively fall in line with proper instruction that can be found in Eagan’s book, “Dominating Money: Tapping Into God’s Supernatural Economy”.

“From a Biblical standpoint God wants us to provide for our family, our children, and our children’s children,” Eagan said. “There’s a difference between riches and wealth. Riches can come overnight through the lottery, but that doesn’t mean you know how to sustain it. Wealth is for the kingdom of God and … the greater good of humanity and society. Henry Ford wanted to provide a vehicle for people to ride in and came up with the process of mass production. When people meet the needs of others on a mass scale it lends itself to wealth.”

Eagan has been doing this in her own life through a balanced combination of informational clubs, books, and other merchandise and services that she sells, in addition to a 40-city Wealthy Women Seminar Tour and weekly teleseminars that she has offered for free. The tour has blessed more than 3,000 women across the country and the teleseminars draw 100 to 200 participants each week as far away as Canada and the Caribbean. She wants to make sure there is no excuse for Christians to not reach the “wealthy place” where they have successfully learned to dominate in the areas of business and finance.

Other books she has authored with her husband, Dr. J. Victor Eagan, include “How to Discover Your Purpose in 10 Days”, “How to Determine Your Motivational Gift”, and “The Character of Success”.

Eagan’s reason for doing everything she does is so that God’s people realize that wealth is for them, despite their current or past financial situation. Even someone who doesn’t have any money can go from 0 to wealth.

“John Johnson asked his mother to sell her furniture,” Eagan said. “She sold it for $500 and he started Ebony Magazine. John Rockefeller was a high school dropout, but he pursued business. Oprah Winfrey had nothing, but … now she owns Harpo production. God’s raising people who are going to be world changers.”

More life-changing, kingdom-building principles will be disclosed at the Kingdom Millionaire Intensive and Vision Gala in Boca Raton, Florida. For more information, or to register, call (561) 338-0009 or log onto